Whether they are newly graduates or from older classes, IPAG students are pleased to share testimonials and share insights about their time at IPAG.
Jean-Nicolas PAYART, co-funder of HIRCUS
Class of 2013
"From the 5th year at IPAG, I chose an apprenticeship in BPI France, which really helped me to make the transition between school and professional life.
This allowed me to open my mind to different projects, and at the end of my apprenticeship, I chose to start Hircus, a ready-to-wear cashmere business.
Apprenticeship is the most adapted system to integrate the professional world and have a job as soon as you leave school. This is the best way to start a career.
Throughout my years at IPAG, I developed an essential professional network that I still complete today.
Hircus has become a real company in 3 years, which is constantly getting bigger and new projects always grow in our minds."
Gaiane MILLET, Human Resources Director at SOUSCRITOO
Class of 2016
"The training I received at IPAG was the basis of my very young professional success. Thanks to a sandwich curriculum, I was easily able to combine theory and practice, and quickly facing to the demands of the labor market enabled me to cope more easily with strong competition. IPAG has been for me a real stepping stone and has brought real added value to my curriculum when looking for my first job.
I joined the start-up Souscritoo in September 2016 as a human resources manager. My appointment as Human Resources Director confirmed my attraction for recruitment and the heart of my business: human relationship.
Briefly, Souscritoo offers services free of charge to people who move in managing their new energy contract, internet box, home insurance and return mail to thein new home."
Sébastien VALETTE, General Manager for France at SAMSONITE
Class of 1999
"IPAG Business School's training combines quality theoretical education with hands-on experience that made me quickly operational in the professional world. Hence I developed my adaptability and a confidence when I had to make strategic choices.
IPAG prepares for real professional life and fundamentals that guide us through our career."