Career Workshop: Ace your job interview

1 participant
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 If you are invited to a job interview, you have done a big part of the job! Now it’s time to convince you are the right person and that you really want the job! Prepare yourself, create the desire to get you into the team, reassure your recruiter, focus on your relevant skills, be aware of the impact of the non verbal communication ...

On the agenda:

- Key steps for a winning job interview

- Impact of the non verbal communication  

- Job interview questions template 

Free workshop
Workshop Guest Speaker: Valérie Thouvenin
 workshop duration: 2h

Registration required before October 19th no later than 2 p.m. (after this date and time, you will need to contact us directly)
A special link will be sent to you one day before in order to access the workshop.

If you want to participate to this workshop, please contact : 
Anita ZHOU -

Ateliers Club Carrière IPAG ALUMNI
Diffusé sur : Club MBA
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