Career Workshop: Job Search best Practice

2 participants
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A successful job search requires organisation, rigour and follow up ! You also need to be familiar with different tips and tools to be quickly invited to a job interview without neglecting the network! 

On the agenda:

- How to enhance the opportunity to land an interview: strategy and best practice

- Your network is your net worth 

Free workshop
Workshop Guest Speaker: Valérie Thouvenin
 workshop duration: 2h

Registration required before October 12th no later than 2 p.m. (after this date and time, you will need to contact us directly)
A special link will be sent to you one day before in order to access the workshop.

If you want to participate to this workshop, please contact : 
Anita ZHOU -

Ateliers Club Carrière IPAG ALUMNI
Diffusé sur : Club MBA
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