Meet MBA Community

55 participants et 1 intéressé
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Dear MBA Community, we invite you to participate in this second meeting between graduates, students and professors of the IPAG MBA Program.


18:00-18:45:  Introduction, Welcome and Icebreaker Activity

18:45 – 19:30Keynote Adress:

Artificial Intelligence & Future of Industries 
by Julie NGUYEN

Julie Nguyen is Ministry Coordinator of the French National Strategic Plan 2030, Ministry of Environment, Transport and Energy. Previously, she was nominated as Advisor of Ms Vidal, Ministry of Higher Education, after being Chief Digital Tranformation at Ministry of Economy and Finance and Chief Open Data at Ministry of Environment and Energy. She obtained two Masters at University of California, Berkeley and Havard Kennedy School, after her graduation at L’Ecole Nationale de l’Administration in France.  

19:30 – 20:00: Alumni Spotlight

20:00 – 20:15: Questions & Answers

20:15 – 21:00: Networking break with refreshments

Evènements Programmes Internationaux
Diffusé sur : Club MBA

IPAG Beaugrenelle

10, Rue du Théâtre 75015 PARIS

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